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How to Print Your Way onto Your Customers' Hearts

As a marketer, you want to make sure your brand is printed on the hearts of your customers forever. In order to stand out in the crowd, there are multiple ways to print your way there. Sure, you’ll need a little bit more than simply printed materials to seal your place forever in your customers’ hearts. However, printed materials are the perfect aid and reminder for your current and potential customers that your brand is here to stay. Check out these examples of items you can print to leave a lasting impression.


1. Stickers

Stickers belong on laptops, water bottles and even cars. Printing stickers for your current advocates or potential customers may seem like a small task, but it has the potential to go a long way. That’s because stickers generally imply brand loyalty. When your sticker ends up somewhere visible, others will ask the sticker owner what the brand is and what it means to them. If your sticker was able to make it onto somebody’s laptop or water bottle, it means they care about you and they’re willing to spread the word.


2. Apparel

The weather is cooling off, so get creative. Nothing says fall and winter like a new hat or beanie. Or, keep it classic with a cozy printed tee. When team members or customers wear something in public with your brand printed on the garment, it helps increase brand visibility and creates intrigue. They may get questions about what the brand is and what your company does. 


3. Pens

Everybody has a favorite pen! If you don’t, we would highly recommend you find one. Invest in printing on a quality pen with your business’s name and logo prominently displayed on the side. This is a sure way to make sure your branded pen will be the new go-to as far as favorites go. It’s the perfect way to write yourself onto your customers’ hearts! 


4. Signs or Banners

At your next business event or tradeshow, make sure you’re showing up in style. Branded signs and banners can help your company stand out in a sea of competition. While you should stick with your brand colors, you can still have fun with the designs and ideas. Consult the experts when you’re ready to design something fun and appealing.


5. Billboards

There’s nothing like your name up in lights. Or in this case, customer appreciation up in lights. Use a billboard to thank your customers. While this simultaneously advertises your business, it also provides a retention tactic to keep your customers coming back. It is a big, bold gesture, so don’t take this one lightly!


6. Brochures 

Printed brochures are a great way to spread the word about your business when attending events so you can send home information. Try to be as concise and compelling as possible. When attending an event, use the brochures in addition to your elevator pitch. The elevator pitch will help grab their attention, and the brochure will help them remember the important details later.


7. Direct Mailers

When email inboxes are overloaded, it’s time to go old-school! Reach your potential customers in their mailbox with a printed direct mailer piece. In order to stand out, you’ll want to use an interesting shape (think something other than a standard envelope) as well as an interesting design or bright color. 


You were already on the minds of your customers, now it’s time to solidify your place on their hearts. Print materials to help get there today. There are a variety of options to make sure you stay top of mind for your customers, both new and old. Start by choosing your favorites, or perhaps a tactic you’ve never tried. You never know what will end up being a home run for your business.

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